Everywhere you go, find text created by AI using GPTZero. You may use GPTZero's Origin to scan text and determine whether a human or an AI wrote it. Any webpage can be used with Origin by copying and pasting text into the Origin text field or by highlighting and right-clicking on text. You may quickly and for free identify if anything on the internet was created by a person or an AI using Origin.
Authors may authenticate that their work is original with the Origin extension on Google Docs. We combine AI detection with the potent capability of playing back the history of document edits, and we provide a report confirming human hands' presence throughout the composition. The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, and millions of schools and institutions use and trust GPTZero.
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How it works?
By developing a classification model to identify and evaluate variations in writing patterns and word choices between humans and artificial intelligence, GPTZero AI detection leverages machine learning.
According to numerous unbiased sources, including TechCrunch, which named GPTZero the finest and most dependable AI detector, GPTZero is the most accurate and trustworthy AI detector. Visit https://gptzero.me/technology to learn more about our technology.
Who can use it?
GPTZero can be used by a broad audience, including:
Developers: Developers use GPTZero to improve the sincerity and reliability of user-generated content.
Researchers: Researchers in the natural language processing field use AI detector tools to analyze and understand the patterns and characteristics of Text generation.
Content Moderator: Content Moderators use the GPTZero AI detector tool to identify user-generated content.
Journalists: Journalists use GPTZero to identify the disinformation and misinformation instances
How to access it?
Please register for a free account on our Dashboard to use the power of our AI detector for longer texts or a collection of files. You may scan the entire page with just one click by downloading our Origin Chrome Extension if you want to use the AI detector while browsing.
You can upload your file or paste it into the text you want to be checked, and we'll give you an overall detection for your document along with sentence-by-sentence flagging of the sentences that include AI. Unlike other detectors, we don't just offer a number; we describe the result to aid your interpretation.
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About the company
GPTZero was created by Edward Tian, a Princeton University undergraduate student, and launched online in January 2023 in response to worries about AI-generated academic plagiarism. GPTZero has raised nearly $3.5 million in startup funding.
The GPTZero was used 30,000 times within the first week of its availability, resulting in a crash. It is supported by the online app business Streamlit, which has allocated more server capacity in response.
Main features:
"AI detectors are given a set of training data, typically containing human and AI-generated text."
GPTZero develops and continuously improves our technology. In our competitor investigation, we discovered that not only does GPTZero outperform its competitors, but several of them are simply transmitting the results of free, open-source models without any further training.
In contrast to many other models, GPTZero is optimized for student writing and academic prose. As a result, we observed significant gains in accuracy for this use case.
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